1.Delivered talk on “Preparation of a Thesis” at Department of History, GM University on 07-03-2015
2.Delivered talk on “Principle of Data Collection” at Department of History, GM University on 09-03-2015
3.Delivered talk on “Rural Development and Small Scale Industries in Odisha” at 14th International Seminar held at ISRD, Ranchi as a Resource Person on 28th October,2018
4.Delivered talk on “ Legitimization of Kingship” under Faculty Development Programme at P.G. Department of History, Utkal University on23-09-2019 from 2PM to 3.30PM
5.Delivered talk on “Inter-Regional Trade” under Faculty Development Programme at P.G. Department of History, Utkal University on23-09-2019 from 3.30PM to 5PM
6.Delivered talk on “Social Protest in Medieval Odisha” under the Department of History in collaboration with IQAC, Sonepur College, Sonepur on 27-09-2020.
7.Delivered talk on “Social Reform Movement in Odisha” under the Department of History in collaboration with IQAC, O.P.S. Mohavidyalaya, Hindol Road, Dhenkanalon 26-11-2020.
8.Delivered talk on “Tourist Spots of Odisha: Its Development and Future” under the Study and Research Society, Buguda, Ganjam on 31-01-2021
9.Delivered a talk on “Research methodology in Historical Studies” on 25-01-2023 at 10.30am to 12noon as a Resource Person organized by the HRDC, Utkal University.
10.Delivered a talk as a Resource person on “The Basic Structure of Indian Knowledge System” on 06-04-2023 at 1.30 to 3.00pm organized by the HRDC, Sambalpur University.
11.Delivered a talk as a Resource person on “Understanding of History” 06-04-2023 at 3.00pm to 4.30pm organized by the HRDC, Sambalpur University.